If you want to earn from online, want to start Email marketing freelance jobs, probably you already know fiverr. Fiver has thousands of categories. Aach and every category has huge competitions.

which category should you select for freelance jobs? If you have already skills then give that a try. If you look for developing your skills then do email marketing freelance jobs.

For new sellers, email marketing freelance jobs is the best category to start selling in fiverr. I will write the job category in this article.

why you should go for email marketing freelance jobs?

Low Competition:

Email Marketing in Fiverr, greensoft dhaka
Email marketing has one of the lowest competition in fiverr – greensoft dhaka

Fiverr has been a big marketplace with a lot of work category. Among them, some are popular worldwide and some are not.

Usually, big sellers work on popular category and the hipe went there. But if you notice, email marketing is one of the lowest competitive categories in this marketplace.

Let me show you a few statistics. If you search on fiverr as “logo design” you will get 74,000+ gig in living. If you search WordPress, It will be 53,000+ BUT if you search for email marketing you will see the number of gigs is only 1,000+.

How less does it for competitions? You probably say the number of jobs is also less here. I agree with you.

Yes! The job has less amount but you can still get a job where you can not get a search rank in a highly competitive category.

Less gig means you have more opportunities for getting sales. Read Buyer request on fiverr

Easy to learn:

Easy to learn Email Marketing, greensoft dhaka
Learning email marketing is easy – greensoft dhaka

If you want to learn logo design, first you have to learn graphics design, software tools and principal and then you can learn design.

You need to work a long time to develop the concepts. You may know, the developing concept is not so easy and it’s not for everyone.

If you go for WordPress, you need to learn Html, CSS, basic web development, customization, PHP for a long time. Finally, you can learn about wordpress development. This process will take a long amount of time.

Logo design and wordpress development is not the ending. You have to be salable and be a marketer for getting sell.

But for email marketing, you have a few relaxing ways. You can start learning email marketing directly and itself own is marketing.

So extra marketing will not be needed. You can just learn and start making a sale. If you did not read How to create a gig on Fiverr that will get rank and SEO for fiverr gig.

There is some other category easy also. If you just search in fiverr, you will get it. It will help you to post do better.

If you did not read the blog about how to create Fiverr account – 5 tips Updated in 2020, read it now. It will help you to optimize your fiverr account. If you want to make money from facebook then read Earn money from your Facebook page monetization

Email marketing freelance jobs:

For email marketing, works are countless. You can do freelancing or you can work for yourself. Among them, let’s dig some popular categories in the freelancing marketplace.

Template Design:

Easy to learn Email Marketing, greensoft dhaka
Email template design is a popular job category in fiverr – greensoft dhaka

The template design is one of the most popular job in the email marketing category. If you notice your email inbox, promotion box, you will see some email with a nice design.

There have images, text, video, pdf and so on. This is not just text-based design, Its specialize design. You need to use software for designing this template.

Mailchimp, Aweber, campaign monitor are some popular tools for email template design.

Email Copy Writings:

Easy to learn Email Marketing, greensoft dhaka
Email copy writing has well demand in the online market – greensoft dhaka

Like template design, email copywriting is another popular job in this category. You can not write a very long message or just a single line in your email for promotional purposes.

So you have to be specific, clear and approaching in your email copy. For writing an email copy, you need to have writing and marketing skills together.

Email Marketing:

Easy to learn Email Marketing, greensoft dhaka
If you have experience in email marketing, fiver has works for you – greensoft dhaka

You can send a single copy to thousands of potential customers. But all your mail will go to the spam box. To send a single copy or single design to millions of users inbox, you have to use some third-party software.

Follow some rules and regulations. You need to set the best title and time for getting better results. Usually, an email marketer does this all jobs.

Lead Generation:

Sometimes lead generation comes from web researchers. But as leads are the row material of email marketing so email marketer can do lead generation task.

If you just know the web searching technique, you can start this job now. This job is very easy thus people try a lot here.

So naturally, you will get a low price from the email collecting job.

Marketing Manager:

A campaign consists of template, subject line, audience targeting, leads, timing and so on. Managing all this together is not easy especially when you have big and multiple campaigns.

So, sometimes the company hires email marketing managers from fiverr and another freelancing marketplace. A manager usually maintains the full process and assure the quality.

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At the same time, the manager has to be experts. If there are any bugs or quick fixed needed, the manager can do that. Creating signup form, integrated with wordpress, make targeting is included manager duty.

Moving forward, if you learn email marketing, You can make a career in the freelancing market. Besides this, you can do the following outside marketplace:

Own Promotions:

If you do not get enough tasks from the market or want to increase sell. You can do lead generation with target audiences and start promoting your won products or service.

It will bring your customers. Or you can promote your own eCommerce products by doing email marketing. If you have a nice list you can go for affiliate promotions or blog marketing.

Through email marketing, you can promote your events also. Many more things you can do.

Local Job:

If you think for a local job at dublin, there is a lot of new eCommerce site is coming and exciting also. All of them are doing email marketing regularly.

You can work with them on a contractual system or a full-time basis. Besides this, all other big companies needed an email marketer.

So there are huge options for doing local email marketing jobs.

At its most basic level, email marketing is the use of email to promote your business. It is used to cultivate relationships with potential customers, keep current customers informed.

Fiverr vs PeoplePerHour – top freelancing sites for beginners

It updated on your brand, offers coupons to encourage customer loyalty, and more! All you need to do is, correct audience targeting, set the best title, design an eye-catching template.

Send regular campaigns. Don’t forget to optimize after the campaign.

For a freelancer, It’s one of the easiest ways to start earning from fiverr. At the same time, If you are in a dubline and startup/small business owner you may try to do email marketing.

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