People often say content is king but the truth is, Quality content is king. Do you know how to check content quality online? Before start checking content quality, you have to know what is the good content and why it’s good.

Be aware that, there is nothing called perfect content in the world. Good content is those article which user like to read, easy to understand, true information and google love to give it rank.

So if any article has the following qualifications, we can say them, good content. If people love the content, social media has positive response, then google will also love your content. Let’s check-in details step by step.

The following checklist has develop for those who want’s to get writing by others from different platform and who has just start writing for self or freelancing.

How to check content quality online in 2022

Check Gramer:

Content Quality Check Gramer Galib Notes

The grammar of an article should be the most priority. People from different countries will ready your article or blog. Thus, if your content does not follow grammar, It will be trouble for the user to understand.

The user has a high possibility to get a bounce from the post. To check grammar you can use grammarly or similar type of software first. It will give you basic ideas and you can replace the words, add article and punctions easily.

Then read the full article manually. Keep in mind that grammarly has no natural intelligence. If you get any mistake, fix them. Write in a fixed tense. Try to avoid person is the post.

Also, always do not follow the grammar by its copybook system. If you do not feel good with a particular rule, avoid them.

Finally, ask any other writer to read the article and take feedback.

Check Content Plagiarism:

Content Quality Content Plagiarism Galib Notes

Plagiarism means the copy content. There is some website to check plagiarism online. Some software also provides the same service.

Sometimes, the writer may give you spinning content which means copy and spine and give you. Be aware of this. So how much copy is acceptable? Google recommends posting 100% unique content but its quite hard to write.

The expert said, up to 25% copy is fine unless you have a very tinny post. But make sure, You do not just copy and paste. Give it balance in other words, it changes some wors.

If google thinks your content is copied. It will be useless and never bring in google rank.

Personalized and User-friendly:

Content with personalize tone gets more attraction- said experts. Think from your side, how does it feels when you notice the article was designed for you.

Usually, visitors read an article for getting solutions but at the same time psychologically they want to see the article from their perspective. Besides this, the article must be user-friendly.

People from all over the world are not equal in the language, so the user-friendly articles will give you better results. User-friendly means easy to read, no long words, no long sentences.

Sometimes people write GRE words in an article, do not allow this. Use simple words always.

CTA nad Keywords:

Content Quality CTA nad Keywords Galib Notes

A call to the button is important for an article. Suppose an article is written about fish foods and there are no ways to buy any fish foods. Another article has the same content with some relevant links to get the food.

The user will stay in the second article as that is helpful for them. Keywords are important factors for search rank so you must care about this. If you use keywords so many times, It will not work. Try to use them naturally as much time as it comes.

Formating and Organilaity:

Formatting is another important issue for article quality. If you do not make well format, design nice spacing with punctuations, coma etc then the article will be bad quality.

No matter how much the words quality, without good formatting, the quality will be poor. Besides this, check the sequence of writing. If the content head and tail are in together then that will be bad quality.

Content must be original, not collected from anywhere. Google always gives priority to the original content.

Accurate Information:

Check the writing’s information source. If you provide false information then users will bounce thus make sure, the writer has added the actual information. It’s better to add the source links.

Some Good Place to buy Content:

Freelancing marketplace:

Freelancing Market List for content writing

The freelancing marketplace is the place you can get content written. There are various types of content writers like new, old, expensive and lew expensive. You can shorten them a country’s wish.

Fiverr, PPH, Upwork is the popular freelancing marketplace. Just signup there, post your job details, talk with them and hire for your task.

Try to take freelancer who has a good review in recent time. More than 4 stars within 5 are nice. Sometimes the buyer can not describe in better ways, sometimes seller can have some issues so it’s not possible to maintain 5-star always.

After that, you need to know one thing, the more review a seller have means more experience. If you want to hire experienced sellers, you have to spend more.

Experience sellers will be less hassle to maintain and quality work most of the time. If you have a tight budget, you can try new sellers also. For the new seller, you will need to describe in detail your works.

Also, you can get quick delivery from a new seller for free which will take the cost from senior freelancers. One more point, review always does not show the quality of work.

sometimes seller takes the fake review from others to get ranking in the marketplace. Try to understand the writer’s actual condition. Your business so you have to be careful.

Similar blog and Recommendation:

You can search for a similar blog and topic and then ask the admin to write or you. Sometimes, the writer gives ads to the site. Usually, there will be contact form or you can go on the contact page. This way, you will get better articles as they are already written in the blog.

Content Writing Marketplace:

Article Writing Market List for content writing

Few marketplaces have been build dedicated to selling only content like iwritter, dotwritter etc. You can get a quality content writer there. You can get an instant writer or already written articles on this market.

Besides the content, usually, they will show you the seo factor-like keywords, competition, secondary target words, repetition etc. So the job will be easy for you in this marketplace.

For articles, always need to check the quality. Sometimes, a good writer writes bad content and sometimes they write by others. How do you feel after reading the full article is the first and foremost check.

Then the rest of the issues comes. The website is yours so the responsibility is also yours.

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