If you have a plan to grow or if you want to get more traffic in your blog site, blogging is the way you can do. This blog is all about Blogging in your eCommerce Website.

Many thousands eCommerce website along with others site are coming in world wide web daily. You are one of them and nothing exceptional for search engine bot. why google will give you search ranking?

Just because you have nice design, all products updated in your site, google will not give you rank. Google care content more then anything else. Along with search ranking, there are some other advantages to do regular blogging in your eCommerce site.

Why Blogging in your eCommerce Website?

SEO Matters: Google’s Love

How google give rank in a website? It check the content of the site, tags, image, embedded video, meta tag, description and so on. Among them, content are the most important factor to google. The more and quality content you have the more rank it will get in google. How you will upload a content? Product are limited but Not blog. By doing regular blog you can produce unlimited content and rest you know. You can write product catalog, review blog, tips and tricks, users guide and so on.

Increase Sells and Customer

The more visitor you have, chances to get more sell in your site. If you produce quality and handsome content you will get google search engine rank. It will drive a lot of traffic in your web site. So, you will get more sell then the average. More over, this sells increasing are free of cost.

Building Internal and External Links

If you do regular blogging in your eCommerce website, You can add a lot of internal links which will help you to get more visitors. Also, you can offer a lot external links. By the blogging, many other blogger, content developer will try to connect you for getting the external links. It will gives you opportunity to connect other marketer as well.

Build Your Impression as Authority

DO you know, who usually give advice! Experts, yes. Experts usually gives advice from their experience. When you will write regular blog with the advice and tips, It will create a author impression to the visitors. They will believe your quality and take products from the site. If you notice, many you-tuber review products, say pro and cons and trey’s follower get buy those products often time. IT will work for you also.

Bring Leads for Future Promotions

Almost all the blog has lead connecting funnel. If you notice our blog, we have signup form in the right sidebar. Also we have pop-up form. If you do blogging, you can add similar form and collect users lead. IN future you can do email marketing and other marketing which will increase sells in your site.

Promote Products

You can write products description in your shop page. But is that enught? Can you write in details in your products page. If you even write that will be very bad to looks and get users bounce. You can simply write details user guid, pro and conts for each and every products in blog section. Adding similar products link will be also helpful for getting more sell in your online business.

Boost Up Offer and Discount

If you have any offer or discunt in your store, how you can let your user know then news? You can go for social paid promtions or marketing. But if you just put the dteials blog post with the discunt details, It will get the visitors for free and will get boosted by the users. All you need is to write nice content.

Blogging is the ways to get organic reach to the users without paid to google or any other platform. Do start blogging today and get sell in tomorrow.

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